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Was a good game thx :) 

This game made me jump so bad. You always make the scariest games that I play.


This game was super slow and cheap. it's literally not scary at all until your ears are sandblasted off of your skull and then you die. 2 of the endings have the same end sentence.

Thank you for playing, I know about the bug but I’ve fixed it but the bug hasn’t been solved.. Sorry for the lack of playing experience..


A really good game I like the last two ending on this game it make me think people need to be more careful eating out late night like this and keep your eyes as well too, really good story behind this game really good work on this Yap game keep making games like this.

For what this was it was not bad at all! Made a video on it.

Hi, I'd like to volunteer to translate your game from English into Brazilian Portuguese.

Hello GabboE03!

Thank you if you really want to be part of us, but I’m very sorry, the game language is fixed in English, meaning the language cannot be changed…

even though I know the English in this game is too standard because English is not my first language…

After the launch of the game I actually want to add multi-language, including our native language, Indonesian.

but unfortunately if I really force myself to make that cool feature, all the game dialogue will have to be revised, I mean it’s like I’ll change all the dialogue text one by one into the desired language…

Not because I don’t want to try it, but I have tried it and it takes a very, very long time, the more language choices, the more time it takes..

so I can’t change the language in the game yet, I know that’s because my knowledge in game development is still not extensive.. thanks =)

  • deOgik

Okay. Thanks.


gud 4 u

Hello, I played this game and I enjoyed it, good work :)


Simple et creepy haha

Short n fun! Didn't get all the endings but still had a good time!


pretty good game couldn't find the e3rd ending but still good 8/10 from me cant wait to see what you do next! ~Wang

Decent game, like the various ending and well executed jumpscares. Incredibly slow movement speed did take away from the enjoyment though.

absolutely love the game keep up the excellent work

Gameplay from Indonesia! Secret Ending??

well done, keep it up!

That was rather interesting. Keep up the work; I can't wait to see what else you come up with.


(2 edits)

Enjoyed the game! Low-quality games surprisingly deliver the best jumpscares. Keep up the hard work...

I enjoyed this game it was fun and sent chills down my spine it was really well made and done well so good job!

It's a simple story, but I was able to immerse myself in it because it was something that could happen in real life. i had fun!

I liked the atmosphere, it took me around twenty minutes to get all three(four?) endings. This game teached me to not care about other people and to just ignore them.  Thank you haha

Here's my German playtrough with all endings(including the weird dream)


Nice, good jumpscares :)

great game, I played all 3 endings

Good game..! nemu fitur di ending penjual emak-emak , minor sih kan disuruh cuci tangan tapi pas nyobain kepintu malah dapat endingnya harusnya kan datangin wastafel dulu  

Fifth and Final in the line up. A solid little jank for a snack. Its pretty solid and functional.  I see your keeping up with the multiple endings. A nice short spook game to explore a bit. I think the shop and food stand closing up for the night sign post that one end a little better, but it does do the job just fine. And the far road. Such a great little tension building twist there. Good job keep it up.

I really liked this game! It unlocked a new fear and now I'll probably never go looking for food late at night, no matter how hungry I am! Great job!

Noice!  Got

all endings made a video on it! 

This game was so good and honestly scary as hell. Good Work. 10/10

Good game! Keep it up and looking forward to your next project... :)

Just Forgot To Eat: Te acabas de mudar de casa por trabajo, eres una persona muy olvidadiza, por eso siempre olvidas comer, un día te despiertas por la noche porque tienes hambre, no has comido desde ayer por la mañana, así que tienes que salir y buscar una tienda que aún esté abierta, pero en medio del camino encuentras a una mujer, necesita ayuda, ¿O tal vez la necesites tú?, muchas gracias por crear el juego, saludos a todos!!!!

Comments below clip:

I <3 to have choices. One of them is the ability to choose between walking and running. When a game takes away that choice [in most cases for no apparent reasons], I tend to get bored. Fortunately, this was a short game, and me being a 1-ending guy, I worked my way through it pretty quickly.

I didn't run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved, and thanks for making this game!


The game was ok but I don't like that the character walks damn slowly like a some snail but I don't mean it in bad way and I thought that the character is a grandfather or grandmother but no a young man , I'm laugh by myself but maybe you could change that
the character would walk more faster

keren bg!

The legend has returned :)





Like lets be real Unity will never create real life games until it change engine lol

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