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I placed a large box on top of a small box in the bedroom not thinking much of it and now the game is broken because it won't let me pick up the small box anymore because I can't move the big box until I moved the smaller ones first :(

(2 edits)


When I went through the game several times, the main monster in the game became my friend.
The same friend who prevents you from working х)

Vraiment cool comme jeu

Echt nice und intensiv ich liebe kurz Indie Horror meine Community feiert das Game auch 

thanks for playing!!!

I was very surprised by this work

This was very atmospheric and very scary, great work

hey quieres ver el Gameplay en español? Dale click aquí abajo y diviértete un rato

bang gw mau kasih saran, gamenya dah keren banget apalagi plot twistnya parah sih pas ternyata itu bos salah rumah bangke banget anjir ahahahha ril cuuuy. Saran gw sih coba tambahin fitur lari bang, soalnya agak gimana aja gituu mainnya, malah jalannya lambat pula, barangnya banyak pula. Jadi kasih fitur lari bang kalau buat game lagi. Overall keren sih storynya. Semangat terus bang! Gw harap gw juga bisa bikin game kayak lu :) 

makasi saran nya bang, player nya bisa lari tapi klo uda dapet satu ending, tapi itu harus di aktifkan gitu, jadi kyak cheat, karena skrip player nya itu uda agak lama bg, itu skrip player nya uda lama ak buat dan pas itu fitur lari masi belum penting, jadi kalo di bikinin fitur lari, aga susah, dan kemungkinan harus ngulang projek nya hehe, tapi tenang, di game gua yg akan datang akan ada fitur lari, udah aku perbarui skrip player nya, sekali lagi makasih banget udah mainin dan saran nya bg!

oh iyaa ada disitu ya larinya pas udah dapat ending, penting atu bang lari mah, biasalah kan para manusia nih gak sabaran bang awokawok. Siaap, yoi bang, semangat terus bkin gamenya

hi yapgamedev I want to tell you I beat the Home Moving Services horror game here the link I did 1 ending I hope you like and be proud of me…

Loved the game! Nice work!

Loved this game! I did the 5 endings :D


プレイしていただきありがとうございます! 私のゲームを気に入っていただければ幸いです…

Loved it!

thanks you!!!

This one had some good spooks but dude the boss was hilarious the whole game! Thank you for making!

thanks for playing!, hope you enjoy it =)


always a pleasure to play some YapGameDev :)

Full Play NO Commentary 

thanks!, thanks for playing!, hope you enjoy it!

Nice game 👍

Played it as soon as it came out. It certainly delivered on those scares. 

10/10 thank you for making this game~ ✧˖°

thank you for playing!!!

Gamenya seru! Semua endingnya menarik. Semangat Yap! 😊

Makasih kak, btw panggil aja “Gik” wkwk.

ok! semangat gik!

The game is nice and has decent jumpscares! There is few bugs, one important one is the stacking of those guiding texts above the screen!


Sorry about that, while working on the game there was no such case, but thanks for letting me know about the bug, and also thanks for playing!!!

ALL ENDING! 5/5. Ending Tidur Saat Bekerja Rupany, Tinggal naik aj ketumpukan kotak.

HAHA, makasih sudah mainin game nya bro!

我太怂了,过了一个结局之后菜单多了个选项“能不能跑”,我好怕有追逐战啊,我就没玩别的结局。个人觉得如果你以后做流程更长的游戏,可以试试把头部晃动加个选项,可以关掉【喵玛】这房子太吓人了,我先溜了!Home Moving Services(搬家服务)逃过一劫结局(中文字幕)


我今天通关了!又想到一个小建议——走到门框或者转角处,容易被这些地方卡住,应该设计成人会被推开,能自然地走过去。【喵玛】被鬼创死,Home Moving Services(搬家服务)其余四个结局

Endingny Sebenarnya Berapa? 

5 bg, maaf sebelum nya ada masalah dengan penghitung ending nya, jadi gua agak bingung dan setelah di teliti lagi ternyata 5

There is no "download" button :( 

the game is still in the process of being repaired, the game has a lot of bugs, sorry :(

reupload or update to the game?

I'll gladly replay it anyhow! :)

I updated the game to 2.0 and reuploaded it because there was a problem with the game page, thanks for asking, DOWNLOAD NOW its 100% FREE!!!

Alright, I will replay the updated version, thanks for the quick reply ;)

love the game man keep the good work up man

THANKS YOU!!!, hope you enjoy it =)

All Endings....Awesome Game 5/5

Thanks For Playing!!!

(2 edits)

Got 3 endings (Im scared,Disregard, leaving the house at 12am), not sure what is the last ending. I played for more than hour but still can't figure out. Also that death is also ending I guess?????? give me clue so I can finish this game?

yes, you got all the endings
